I have a song stuck in my head from one of my daughter's Pooh books,
"Make New Friends, but Keep the Old. One is Silver and the Other Gold."
Four years ago my husband's career took us on a new adventure. We were excited and scared out of our minds.
We were moving farther away from family. We were moving to a place that we didn't really desire to move to. We were moving to a place that we knew no one.
Before we made the move we had a list of "must haves". Things that had to fall into place or we were not going to go. Of course, it seemed like none of those things worked out according to our plans. However, the move just felt right, we felt like God really wanted us to go.
It did not take long after the move for us to see God's hand at work. He provided us with amazing friends. He opened our eyes to the beauty of this new place. Our hearts were touched forever by this stop on our journey of life.

Three months ago we moved again. Over the past year we felt like it was time for us to go. Our hearts were heavy for our families. We decided that it was time to move home. We were very excited about this next step on our journey.
The move has been positive for all of us. We have made more memories with our families in three months than we had made in the last four years.
But a piece of us is missing. When we made that move four years ago, God provided us with wonderful friends. Friends that we laughed with and cried with. Friends that shared every part of our lives with us for four years. Friends that loved us unconditionally. Friends that became family.
This weekend we were able to spend time with some of these friends. It was so hard to leave them on Sunday.
On our trip home we started to talk about how God has provided for us over the past few years. At a time that we felt so alone, God provided us with friends that will forever hold a very special place in our hearts.
Today I am unwrapping the amazing gift of friendship. God knows what we need exactly when we need it. He provides for us always. We just have to have our eyes open enough to see the amazing gifts that He places before us.
What gifts are you unwrapping today? Join
Emily at
Chatting At the Sky and share your gifts.