Then a great and powerful wind tore the mountains apart and shattered the rocks before the LORD, but the LORD was not in the wind. After the wind there was an earthquake, but the LORD was not in the earthquake. After the earthquake came a fire, but the LORD was not in the fire. And after the fire came a gentle whisper. 1 Kings 19:11-12
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
A Gentle Whisper
Then a great and powerful wind tore the mountains apart and shattered the rocks before the LORD, but the LORD was not in the wind. After the wind there was an earthquake, but the LORD was not in the earthquake. After the earthquake came a fire, but the LORD was not in the fire. And after the fire came a gentle whisper. 1 Kings 19:11-12
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Unbreakable Bond
Being at Grandma's house without a lot of friends = Bonding time with your sisters
Don't get me wrong, we have had a few all out wars in the past month, but today they walked into the room I was in and this is what they were wearing. . .
Before we made this move we talked to them about how important they are to each other. We talked about how they will always have each other. There is something really amazing about seeing your kids have fun together.
I have a sister and I am so glad that my girls get to experience that amazing unbreakable bond.
Today I am introducing myself over at the brand new MODsquad Blog. The MODsquad Blog exists to encourage and inspire moms to raise daughters with purity, character, and hearts for God.
Next week the Blog officially launches and I can't wait!
I am also joining Emily at Chatting at the Sky for Tuesdays Unwrapped. I am unwrapping the gift God has given me to be the mother of girls in the midst of all the drama :-)
Monday, June 28, 2010
Starting my Gratitude List
We are In His Hands
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Saying Goodbye
I am sitting here on my front porch with my coffee and my Bible. This is one of my favorite places in the world to be in the mornings (when it is warm of course). Soon, I will be saying goodbye to this beautiful place. There will be no more mornings writing, reading and dreaming in this place.
Our new home doesn't have a porch. I will have an office with a big window, but I know that it will not be the same.
I should be packing up our home. Packing away memories of this place. Another stop on our journey. A new adventure lies ahead. More memories to be made.
While I am packing and the cleaning I am praising God for this stop in our journey. The people He placed in our lives in this place will never be forgotten.
The girls and I will be exploring today, taking pictures and enjoying our last few days in this place that we call Home.
Award Time
1. What is your favorite thing about summer? Sitting around the campfire with my family. Telling stories and talking about our dreams.
2. What is your favorite color? green
3. What is your favorite part of blogging? discovering amazing women who love the Lord
4. What is the first thing you do every day? make some coffee :-)
5. What is the last thing you do every day? pray
6. What is your favorite day of the year? My Anniversary
7. What is one free activity you enjoy doing with your family? Going to the Library (especially now that we are moving to a town with a great one!)
8. What is one thing you can’t live without? my amazing family
9. What is your favorite meal? Italian anything white and creamy
10. What is your favorite children’s book? Gigi God's Little Princess
The second award I received was from Sara @ Walking With Angels. Thank you so much Sara!!!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Fighting For Our Families
- Do you limit TV time in your home?
- How do you set boundaries on the programs your children watch?
- How do you control the media they are exposed to outside of your home?
- Shepherding a Child's Heart - Tedd Tripp
- 103 Questions Children Ask about Right from Wrong (Questions Children Ask) - James C. Galvin
- God's Promises for Girls by Jack Countryman and Amy Parker
- How to Raise a Modern-Day Joseph: A Timeless Strategy for Growing Great Kids by Larry Fowler
Monday, June 21, 2010
Quality time with Dad
Friday, June 18, 2010
Intentional Parenting
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Deep Conviction in Christ

"Whoever acknowledges me before men, I will also acknowledge him before my Father in heaven. But whoever disowns me before men, I will disown him before my Father in heaven." Matthew 10:32-33
In my Bible Study time lately I have really been convicted to dig deeper. Instead of just taking the time to read a verse, I have felt the need to really meditate on it and let it speak to my heart.
The Bible that I do most of my reading in is a NIV translation. This morning I decided to find this passage in King James.
Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven. Matthew 10:32-33 KJV
As you can see the word acknowledge is confess in the KJV. I enjoy going to Vine's Expository to look up greek words in scripture and reading the definitions. The greek translation for this verse is: homologeo
The definition is: to declare openly by way of speaking out freely, such confession being the effect of deep conviction of facts
The word acknowledge is a different greek word with a different definition. It is not used in this verse in the greek translation.
Scripture Dig had a great post on different Bibles last week. It really made me think about what version I am studying from.
I go back to the definition of "confess" the definition focuses on a "deep conviction of facts". A deep conviction of facts is having a firm belief in the facts, in the Word.
It reminds me that in order to develop the deep relationship with Christ that I want, I must dig a little deeper into the Word. It is easy to say that I believe, but I must know what I am saying that I believe in. I cannot pick and choose which parts of the Bible that I want to follow. If I want to follow Christ, I have to follow all of Him, all the time.
And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth. John 1:1 KJV
What version do you use in your Bible Study time?
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
A Daughter Needs Her Dad
Hello iFellowship Friends! Thanks for Stopping by!
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
They Almost Always Come Home

Libby has to find him before she can discover how their marriage ends. She plunges into the wilderness on an adventurous and risky manhunt, unsure what she will do if she finds him…or if she doesn’t. She expects to meet hardship, discomfort, and danger in the wilderness. She doesn’t expect to face the stark reality of her spiritual longing and a faint, but steady pulse that promises hope for reviving her marriage. If Greg’s still alive.
They Almost Always Come Home provides a glimpse into common, however uncomfortable, marital conflicts. Cynthia weaves a page-turning story, suspense building scene by scene. Her characters mirror ordinary people, living real-to-life situations, allowing readers to relate and sort through a myriad of emotions and life decisions. If fiction can contain adventure, riveting self-awareness, and romance all between the same covers, this is the book!
Faith in the Father

- Abel offered a better sacrifice
- Enoch pleased God
- Noah condemned the world and built an ark
- Abraham was tested and he obeyed
- Isaac blessed his sons
- Jacob worshiped God
- Joseph spoke and gave instructions
- Moses chose to be mistreated for God
- The people of Israel passed through the Red Sea
- The people marched and Jericho's walls fell.
- Rahab welcomed the spies
Monday, June 14, 2010
Seeds of Summer

You never know when I might play a wild card on you!
and the book:
Zondervan (May 21, 2010)

Visit the author's website.
Product Details:
List Price: $10.99
Paperback: 320 pages
Publisher: Zondervan (May 21, 2010)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 031029276X
ISBN-13: 978-0310292760

Metal scraped against metal, waking Natalie from a restless sleep. Again, the screech came from outside. With a reluctant groan, she forced herself from her cotton sheets and fumbled in the dark to find her boots.
What was out there? And why wasn't Jessie barking?
She slipped her bare feet into leather ropers, then hurried from the bedroom down the stairs, hoping she wouldn't rouse her younger siblings. An instant foreboding caused her to grab the shotgun her dad always kept behind the back door. Natalie loaded it with a couple of shells before heading to the porch -- just in case. As her eyes adjusted to the outside darkness, she distinguished the faint outline of a truck backed up to the barn entrance. She crept through the barnyard.
“Who's there?” Her voice wavered as she clutched the wooden forearm of the aged Winchester, prepared to fire a warning shot at the moon if necessary.
A small beam of light darted inside the old limestone barn, then disappeared.
“Tom, is that you?” Natalie eased her finger closer to the trigger.
Silence. Then the hollow clamor of feed buckets knocked to the ground as though someone had tripped over them.
Natalie held her breath. Her heart thumped wildly against her chest as she thought about the recent thefts in the county. If only her dad were here.
But he's not, and you're in charge. Slow, mechanical breaths helped her to see this might be nothing more than their hired hand returning from a night at the bar. She knew little about Tom Walker, but the idea that he'd been out with friends on a Friday night was more probable than not.
A tall figure edged from the shadows. Natalie recognized the pale shock of curls highlighted by the luminous night.
“Hey there, don't shoot.” The ranch employee rested his hands on his head. “I was only putting some stuff away in the barn.”
“Working kind of late, aren't you?”
“Just got back from a rodeo.” Tom's voice grew louder as he approached. “Sorry if I frightened you.”
Natalie lowered the shotgun, then gazed up at the sky, relief lodged in her throat. “You could've turned on the barn lights. At least then I wouldn't have thought someone was sneaking around out here.”
“Didn't want to wake the house.”
In the faint moonlight, she caught the glint of an uneasy smile on the man's face. “How'd you do?”
“Tough night for steer wrestling.”
Natalie knew all about rodeo and tough nights. “There'll be others.”
He dropped his arms, and she noticed Jessie at his side. No wonder the faithful border collie hadn't barked. Suddenly aware of how she must look, she combed her fingers through her wayward locks. Dressed in baggy shorts, a torn T-shirt, and a pair of pink boots, she held little resemblance to her former title as Miss Rodeo Kansas, or of a rancher either.
And that's what she was now -- a twenty-two-year-old ranch owner in the Flint Hills of Charris County, Kansas. She shook her head, confounded by the turn of events her life had taken in the past week. “Well, I'm sorry for interrupting your work. I'll let you get back to your business.” Hoping he wouldn't sense her despair, she turned toward the house. As she did, an engine revved in the near distance. Tracing the noise, she saw a truck tear from behind the barn, its headlights aimed for the lane.
Staggering backward, she almost dropped her father's shotgun but somehow managed to bring the wooden stock to her shoulder. “Hey, you there,” she called out. “Stop or I'll shoot.”
The truck vaulted onto the dirt road and spun gravel as it sped away. Speechless, Natalie lowered the gun and whirled toward the hired hand, expecting him to go after the culprits sneaking around her father's barn.
Then she acknowledged the panic in the man's eyes.
“What were you and your buddies doing in there?” Her brows crinkled, and she instantly thought the worst. Dark barn, suspicious behavior. Had they been doing drugs, or were they stealing?
“It's not what you think.” The hostility in the air pricked her skin as the man stepped closer. He stood a half-foot taller than her own five-foot-eight.
Natalie gripped the shotgun, her palms damp with sweat. Did she have the guts to shoot a man? She aimed the barrel at his chest. “Is this how you're going to honor my father? By stealing from him? He's not been dead a week.”
“The boys and I --we were just having some fun --talking was all.” His gentle voice caressed her.
Natalie recognized the seduction of his lie --the flicker of deceit in his eyes. “In the dark?”
“No law against talking in the dark.” He reached in her direction, much too close for her comfort.
She shoved his lanky body back with the metal barrel and thought of all the work they needed to accomplish the next day unloading and sorting cattle. Could she and the kids get along without his help if she fired him? Could she trust him to tell the truth?
His lips pulled into a pout. “Come on, Miss Adams. I've been with your dad for nearly six months. He trusted me. We weren't doing nothing wrong ... honest.”
Natalie searched the man's eyes for a hint of sincerity. “Swear on your mama's grave?” Even as the words came from her mouth, she knew she was a fool to trust him.
“Better -- I'll swear on your daddy's.”
Natalie's throat swelled as hot tears threatened to fall. Her good judgment now clouded with grief, she eased the barrel toward the ground and shook her head in embarrassment. “I guess the stress is getting to me. Sorry for being so jumpy.”
Tom nodded in understanding. “No need to apologize. A person can't be too careful these days -- especially a young woman like yourself. It's good I'm around for protection.”
Natalie disregarded his remark, finding no comfort in it. Her gut twisted at the vulnerable position her father's death had placed her in as Tom drifted back to the darkness of the barn. With a weary sigh, she studied the moon above. Like a shooting star, her life had changed in an instant and no matter how much she wished it, not even the crickets or the moaning bullfrogs could set it right again.
Returning to the house, she peeked in on her twelve-year-old brother, asleep in his upstairs bedroom. His tranquil face reflected no worries, no hint of strain from their recent ordeal.
Oh, that her rest could be as peaceful.
When Natalie opened the door to her sister's bedroom, she failed to make out a form under the covers. A flick of the light revealed Chelsey's bed hadn't been slept in. She glanced about the room, and then noticed the splay of curtains caught in a warm breeze from the open dormer window. Natalie darted back to Dillon's room.
“Where's Chelsey?” She jiggled her brother's leg and watched the young boy rouse from a deep sleep.
Dillon rubbed his eyes and sat up in bed. “What?”
“Chelsey's not in her room. Do you have any idea where she might be? Out with friends? A party somewhere?”
Her brother shook his head, then yawned. “I heard her talking on the phone to Lucas earlier. Maybe she's with him.”
Natalie's mouth grew taut. Nothing good ever happened past midnight, and it was now close to two. She hoped the reckless teenagers weren't in a ditch somewhere.
A loud thump from Chelsey's room caused those thoughts to evaporate.
Natalie rounded the hallway to find her fifteen-year-old sister crumpled on the bedroom floor.
Chelsey raised her head, her eyes glazed. “Hey, sis.” Her words came out slurred as she tried to stand. “Did ya miss me?”
Family Church in the Camper

Friday, June 11, 2010
A Maze of Grace

You never know when I might play a wild card on you!
and the book:
FaithWords (June 22, 2010)

Shortly after realizing that I hated billable hours, I ended (read: fled) my career in law, and spent the next few years trying to make sense of the world. I couldn't shake the belief that things could/should/would be different - better, somehow - if only I could figure out what really mattered. I wanted to know how things like spirituality and luck and intuition worked, and how I could make them work for me. So I embarked on a quest to find the right God, but spent much of my time trying to find the right guy. At a certain point, after accumulating a heaping pile of mistakes on both counts, I came to see that the two might be intertwined.
The good news is, after much trial and error, I finally found them both: the God, and the guy.
Now I live in Cambridge, Massachusetts with my super hero-husband Steve, and our genetically-improbable mixed-breed dog. I wrote a book about my search, "He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not: A Memoir of Finding Faith, Hope, and Happily Ever After," published by Hachette Book Group in 2008. The follow up, "A Maze of Grace: A Memoir of Second Chances" will be in stores in June 2010. And while I sit at my laptop typing each day, the Wonder Twin dream lives on...
Visit the author's website.
Visit the author's blog.
Product Details:
List Price: $19.99
Hardcover: 256 pages
Publisher: FaithWords (June 22, 2010)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0446545813
ISBN-13: 978-0446545815
Girlfriends Getting Real

Thursday, June 10, 2010
Peace on this Journey
Sins of the Mother

You never know when I might play a wild card on you!
and the book:
Touchstone; Original edition (June 1, 2010)
Victoria spent ten years in Corporate America before she tested her entrepreneurial spirit. She opened a Financial Services Agency for Aegon, USA where she managed the number one division for nine consecutive years. However, Victoria never lost the dream to write and when the “bug” hit her again in 1997, she answered the call.
Victoria originally self published Temptation. “I wanted to write a book as entertaining as any book on the market, put God in the middle, and have the book still be a page-turner. I wasn’t writing to any particular genre – I didn’t even know Christian fiction existed. I just wanted to write about people I knew and characters I could relate to.”
In 2000, Time Warner published Temptation. Temptation made numerous best sellers list and remained on the Essence bestsellers list for nine consecutive months. In 2001, Temptation was nominated for an NAACP Image Award in Outstanding Literature.
Since Temptation, Victoria has written six other novels: JOY, Truth Be Told, Grown

In 2008, Victoria’s first novels in her Christian fiction teen series - The Divine Divas – were published. “I was concerned with what our young ladies were reading. I decided to do something about that – give them stories full of drama, but with a message.” The Divine Divas has already been optioned to become a television series.
Victoria splits her time between Los Angeles and Washington D.C. In Los Angeles, she attends Bible Enrichment Fellowship International Church under the spiritual tutelage of Dr. Beverly “BAM” Crawford and in Washington, D.C., she fellowships at Metropolitan Baptist Church under Dr. H. Beecher Hicks, Jr. She is also a member of the Long Beach Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority.
Visit the author's website.
Product Details:
List Price: $15.00
Paperback: 379 pages
Publisher: Touchstone; Original edition (June 1, 2010)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 141658918X
ISBN-13: 978-1416589181

“Love Mama!”
Jasmine scooped her toddler into her arms. “You do love your mama, don't you?” She laughed.
Mae Frances rolled her eyes as Jasmine smothered her son's cheeks with kisses.
“Don't make no kind of sense, Jasmine Larson,” her best friend said. “Teaching that baby to say that.”
“What's wrong with him loving his mama?” But before Mae Frances could answer, Jasmine stood straight up and scanned the crowd that packed the new mall. In just seconds, her gaze locked on her daughter, crouched in front of the pet store window. “Jacqueline!”
The girl's brown curls bounced when she jumped up, startled, and skipped back to Jasmine and Mae Frances.
With a firm hand, Jasmine grasped her daughter's wrist. “I told you to stay where Nama and I could see you.”
Jacqueline bowed her head. “But Mama,” she sighed, “I could see you.”
“Well, I couldn't see you, so why don't you sit down for a moment and cool off,” Jasmine said as she wiped the thin line of perspiration that dampened her daughter's hairline.
“I'm not hot,” Jacqueline protested. It was the look on her mother's face that made Jacqueline wiggle onto the bench next to Mae Frances. With her eyes on Jasmine, she buried her head on the shoulder of the woman who, years before, had been nothing more than a friend of the family, but was now so close to the Bushes that Jacqueline thought of her as her grandmother. When Mae Frances put her arms around Jacqueline, the girl glared at Jasmine as if she never planned to love her again.
Jasmine shook her head, then her eyes widened when her rambunctious daughter rolled her eyes.
No, she didn't.
Jacqueline had never done that before, and Jasmine opened her mouth to scold her, then just as quickly changed her mind. When her daughter peeked back at her, Jasmine rolled her eyes. Jacqueline giggled, and Jasmine laughed, too. But when Jacqueline moved to get up again, Jasmine stared her back down.
Jacqueline pouted and bounced hard against the back of the bench, but the silent tantrum didn't faze Jasmine. She planned to let her four-year-old (or fourteen-year-old, depending on the day) sit and think about how she'd run off.
“Are you ready to go home?” Mae Frances grumbled.
As Christmas Muzak piped through speakers above, Jasmine realized this trip to the mall wasn't the best idea she'd ever had. But how could she have missed this day?
The new Harlem mall had been open for only two weeks, and this was the first big shopping day of the season; she had to make her own contribution to Black Friday. Now as she looked at Mae Frances and Jacqueline--a set of ornery twins, with their arms folded and their lips poked out--she wished she had thought this all the way through. Because if she had, she would have come alone.
“I wanna go home, too!” Jacqueline exclaimed, as if she was in charge of something.
Looking at her son, Jasmine shook her head. “You don't want to go home, do you, Zaya?” she asked, calling him by the name that Jacqueline had given to him two years ago when he had been born. Hosea had been too difficult for her to say, and no one wanted to call him Junior.
“No, no, no!” Zaya followed his mother's lead before he toddled over to his sister. “Yaki, Yaki, Yaki!” He called her by his own made-up name.
Mae Frances sucked her teeth and tightened the collar of the thirty-five-year-old mink that she loved. “Don't make no kind of sense, the way you manipulate that boy.”
“He's my baby. He's supposed to be manipulated.”
“Get away from me, Zaya!” Jacqueline exclaimed, and pushed the toddler away.
“Don't do that to your brother,” Jasmine scolded.
Jacqueline stood up, put one hand on her side as if she had hips, and, with the other, squeezed her nose. “He! Stinks!”
Jasmine sniffed, then hoisted her son up into her arms. “Your sister's right.” She grabbed the diaper bag from the stroller and reached for Jacqueline's hand. “Come on, we've got to change Zaya's diaper.”
Jacqueline folded her arms and sat back down next to Mae Frances. “I don't wanna go.” With a pout, she pointed toward the pet store. “I wanna see the puppies.”
“We'll see the puppies after,” Jasmine said, still reaching for her daughter.
“Leave her with me.” Mae Frances put her arms around Jacqueline. “No need for her to have to go with you when I'm here.”
Jasmine's hesitation waned after just a moment. “Stay right there next to Nama,” she demanded sternly. “And then we'll go see the puppies, okay?”
Jacqueline nodded as she scooted back on the bench. With wide eyes and an even wider smile, she blew Jasmine a kiss. “I love you, Mama.”
Jasmine laughed. Her precious little girl--always the drama queen.
Inside the restroom, Jasmine twisted through the long line of waiting women, and as she made her way to the changing station, her cell phone rang. But just as she pulled her phone from her bag, it stopped.
She glanced at the screen. “That was your daddy,” she told her son as she laid him on his back.
He giggled and reached for her cell.
“No,” she said, taking it from his grasp.
His laughter stopped. His bottom lip trembled. His body began to shake. And before the first shriek came, the phone was back in Zaya's hands.
“Love Mama,” Zaya cooed as he pushed buttons.
Jasmine laughed. God had blessed her with a drama queen and a drama king.
That thought made her pause in wonder. Who would have ever thought that she--Jasmine Cox Larson Bush--would end up in this place? She--the ex-stripper, ex-man stealer, ex-liar, cheater, thief. The jealous girl who'd done everything she could to sabotage the success of her best friend, Kyla. The unsatisfied wife who'd badgered her first husband until he'd finally left her.
The lonely woman who lived to tear husbands away from their wives. There was hardly a sin that she hadn't committed. But that life, those abominations, were far behind her.
Today, she was a proud wife and mother--the first lady of one of the most influential churches in the city. Today, her life was filled with leisure--it was difficult to call the work she did as first lady and the time she spent with the Young Adults Ministry a job. Today, each of her needs and every one of her desires were met. And she had a Central Park South apartment, a closet full of endless racks of designer clothes, and an upcoming New Year's family vacation in Cannes to prove it.
This life was God's reward for her having turned away from her transgressions. As she glanced at her reflection in the mirror, her lips spread into a slow smile. Bountiful blessings. All she could say was, “Thank you, Father.”
Seconds later, Zaya was back on her hip, her cell was back in her bag, and she was back in the mall. But then, her steps became measured as she moved toward Mae Frances. Her friend's head was down as she pushed buttons on her cell.
Jasmine's voice was as deep as her frown as she yelled, “Mae Frances?”
She looked up. “Did you just call me?”
Jasmine let the diaper bag slip down her arm. “Where's Jacquie?”
Mae Frances waved her hands. “She's right over there. With the puppies. Did you just call me?”
Before Mae Frances had finished, Jasmine's eyes were searching the crowd. With Zaya still in her arms, she pushed through the mass of men and women, arms filled with packages, children close at their sides.
“Where's Jacquie?” The question trembled from her lips to a young boy in front of the pet store. “The little girl who was here--where is she?”
His face was pressed against the glass as he answered, “She's gone.”
There was no time to question him further. A woman, two giant steps away, grabbed the boy's hand.
“Didn't I tell you not to talk to strangers?” the woman admonished as she dragged the boy from the window.
Jasmine's eyes were wide as she spun around, clutching Zaya to her chest, searching the space around her. It had been only a minute, but terror was already crawling up and down her skin.
“Jacquie!” she screamed through the holiday din.
She tried to keep herself in check as she gripped Zaya and barged through the pet store's doors. The stench of the animals did nothing to cover the fear that was already surging from her pores.
“Jacquie!” she shouted. She kept telling herself that this was nothing: Jacqueline had just wandered off.
Pressing up one aisle, then rushing down the next, she hunted through the crowd.
“Jacquie!” she yelled.
Jasmine grabbed a pink-apron-wearing teenager who was crouched down in front of the cages. “Please,” she said to the young man, obviously one of the store's employees. “Have you seen my daughter?”
The blond spiked-hair boy glanced at Jasmine and then looked around the store, his expression telling Jasmine that her question didn't make much sense to him. “There've been a lot of kids here today,” he answered before he returned to feeding the kittens.
“Jacquie!” she screamed one last time as she rushed back through the doors.
Outside, in the middle of the passing crowd, Jasmine turned slowly, exploring each face, searching every space.
Her distress went unnoticed; the holiday shoppers were
buried under their own cares.
“Jacquie!” Now her heart banged against her chest.
Both she and Zaya were crying by the time she hurried back to the bench. In the eyes of the woman she called her friend, Jasmine saw the same unadulterated horror that was in her heart.
“Where's Jacquie?” she screamed at Mae Frances.
Mae Frances shook her head. “She . . . she was . . . right there,” she cried as she pointed back to the store.
But Jasmine didn't bother to turn around. She didn't need to look at the store or anywhere else in the mall. Because in the space inside of her where truth lay, she knew.
As “Joy to the World” squeaked out from the speakers above, Jasmine knew that her daughter was gone.