Beautiful fruit they were not to eat,
Even though it looked like a wonderful treat.
The serpent tempted Eve that day,
She should have said to him “No Way”.
Instead she took a bite of the fruit,
And then poor Adam followed suit.
They made some clothes out of leaves from a fig tree,
And then they hid from God so He would not see.
They were banished from the garden that day,
God said that they disobeyed and could not stay.
From that day forward life would be hard,
They could never again get past the Garden guards.
Read: Genesis 2:4-3:24
I love your Jesse Tree ornaments! We did it as a family last year and loved it, but our ornaments were so sad-looking compared to yours!
Thank you for this series! We are going to try to follow it....
i love your blog...
Work From Home India
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