Thursday, January 14, 2010

Help me Martha Stewart

I am sitting here watching the Martha Stewart Show today. It is her blog show. I love her show and her magazine. I wish I could craft and cook like her. But there is something I need to learn from her more than anything else. I have the book, I have read the book, but I still have not applied the book to my life.

I asked for Martha Stewart's Homekeeping Handbook for Christmas two years ago. I need to give you a little background on why in the world I would ask for a Homekeeping book for Christmas.

I grew up with a mom that did everything. She cleaned, did the dishes, did the laundry. Bottom line, I was spoiled. The problem with this is. . .I don't know how to clean. Honestly, my poor husband didn't know what he was getting himself into. We have been married for almost 10 years and I am still kind of a mess when it comes to cleaning.

When we first got married we discovered that we love to entertain. The only problem was that our house was never really ready for entertaining. We would decide to invite some friends over and then I would clean like a maniac and cook like crazy until our friends walked through the door. I loved to do it, but by the time our friends arrived I had a massive headache from stressing myself out about getting ready for the night. I really don't want to be such a disaster in my house, but I just have not figured it out yet.

Back when I saw the movie Julie and Julia I told my family that I didn't want to cook through a cookbook, I needed to clean through my Homekeeping Handbook. For those of you that know me well, you know this will not be an easy task for me. There is very little I hate more than to clean. But there is not much I love more than entertaining. I do realize that I need to do the first in order to enjoy the second.

I will begin sharing pictures, vlogs and posts on my process. I know that it is important for me to open my home to others. . .but some days I would be horrified to have you stop by. I may never be the Proverbs 31 woman, or Martha Stewart, but I am going to try.

This is my canvas, I hope you enjoy this adventure.


Michelle said...

I love your house. It's my dream house. I can't wait to see your progress with Martha. As a Martha wannabe, but lacking, I can appreciate how hard it is to keep the house clean, especially with small children.

Unknown said...

Hey Amy, I was wondering if I could pick your brain about a few bloggy things :) I don't have your email address, but mine is Shoot me an email if you have time, so I can annoy you with my questions :) Thanks!
PS: is that your house?? How cute!!

Unknown said...

Your house is quite lovely!! I would love to keep up with you and hopefully learn something!! Thanks for sharing!