Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Texting the Gospel

Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed.
Mark 1:35

Last night my husband was sitting at home and he received a text from a friend that he used to be in Bible Study with before we moved four years ago. All the text said was Mark 1:35.

My husband did not know the verse without looking it up. He got out his Bible and he read.

He hasn't had a conversation with this friend for awhile now. This verse came at a time that his friend has no idea how much it was needed. His friend took a few seconds to text him, but it spoke volumes.

This simple text reminded me of something very important. Our faith journey is our own to live, but there are many people that have an impact on our journey. God places people in our lives to encourage us, teach us, and guide us. These people God places in our lives become our friends.

We have moved three times since we got married. We don't live in the same town as family, we really need our friends. Last night reminded me that friends in Christ will always be our friends.

I am praising God today for friendship. It really is an amazing gift.

I started this blog so that I could share my faith journey with friends and family. I wanted a place to be real and document my struggles and my story. Through this blog I have formed new friendships. I want this blog to be an encouragement for all of you and there are many days when through your comments it is you that are encouraging me. Thank you for being my friends.

Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends. John 15:13


Elyse said...

I agree - friends are so important in life and especially in our faith journey. your blog has been a huge encouragement to me - thank you for committing yourself to lifting us fellow bloggers up with your insights throughout the week.

ps i love your new blog design!

Michelle said...

I know that my husband and I don't live near any family either and rely on our new "family" for sooo much. Friends in God just know what you need when you need it. Thanks for being my friend.

Unknown said...

Hey Amy, Merla told me about your blog! Hope you guys are all well...haven't seen you forever! Isn't blogging fun?? :)