Monday, March 29, 2010

Palm Branches and a Picnic

Yesterday I had one of those mom moments. I know you have had them. You have something all planned out and then chaos ensues. You throw your plan out the window and go with it. Whatever "it" happens to be.

Well yesterday I had one of these mom moments.

I told my husband that I wanted to have a special supper for Palm Sunday. In the Gospels it talks about Lazurus holding a special supper in honor of Jesus on Palm Sunday. I wanted to do the same and talk to the girls about the upcoming Easter week.

When we came out of church I realized that this lovely supper I wanted to have was going to have to be a picnic. It was 66 degrees in South Dakota. In the spring 66 degrees=Summer weather.

I knew that no one was going to be coming inside until dark. So I nixed getting out the good dishes and making a fancy supper to honor Jesus. I grabbed the picnic blanket and we grilled.

I wanted to start out reading the girls "Little Colt's Palm Sunday". One short little story about Jesus riding in on the donkey and everyone praising Him.

It started out peacefully. . .by the end I was gritting my teeth saying, "I am just trying to teach you something about Jesus." (It didn't help that Daddy kept sneaking in the screen door to check out the score of the Basketball game during the story.) I love him, but he really wasn't helping.

The story was read, we actually had a nice discussion about Palm Sunday and we had a great picnic.

The best part came at the end. A friend gave me extra palm branches from her church. My kids don't do this at our church so they didn't know what to think of them at first. But, it didn't take them long to start parading around the backyard praising Jesus and honoring Him.

I tell myself they learned something, even in the chaos. I just need to remind myself that with kids, sometimes there is no such thing as a plan.

I am linking up with Sarah at Real Life Blog for Your Life, Your Blog. Head over and check out more great posts.


tracie said...

this sounds like me yesterday! we're traveling right now ... and in the tropics, so palm trees abound. i ask my husband to find some palm branches while i read the girls a book about holy week.

he comes back with branches taller and wider than him! the girls aren't listening to the story ... etc, etc.

and then i had to remember ... any small learning moment, is a learning moment. just because it doesn't unfold like my "perfect" plan ... doesn't mean it's not perfect. ;)

Cherie said...

So glad you finally got some spring weather up north! Love the photos of the girls enjoying their palm branches. Don't worry Mom, the lessons sink in when we least expect it!!

Anonymous said...

Awesome! Keep waiving those palm branches!

Flamingo said...

i love those moments when i scream through the devotions! lol lol

Michelle said...

Cute story! I'm sure they learned a lot and will remember that experience for a long time... What a good momma! ♥ Michelle

KK said...

What a great way to celebrate it.