Monday, May 4, 2009

God Clock

A couple of weeks ago I was trying to figure out how I was going to find any quiet time around this house. It seemed like there was never an opportunity for me to have any time to think, read or pray. I prayed that God would help me find some time to spend alone with him.

God answered my prayer. I have never been a morning person. I really enjoy staying up late and I really enjoy sleep. Sleep has been a struggle in our house since we moved to Mobridge because the day we moved here, our baby decided sleep was overrated. 

Usually I wake up at 7:00 am to get the girls out of bed and ready for school. If I was ever up any earlier than that, it was because my youngest decided it was time to get up. I set my alarm to go off and then I am off and running for the day fulfilling all of my roles as wife and mother, leaving little time for myself.

Last week, I started waking up before my alarm went off. The first day this happened, I was a little annoyed and I tried to get back to bed. The second day in a row it happened, I got out of bed and had my quiet time. The third day in a row it happened I said, "Okay God, I get it, you are answering my prayer, I will get out of bed."

So when I prayed I was thinking that God would reveal to me some time during the day to have this quiet time. I guess that wasn't what God had in mind. So now I do not need my alarm clock, I have my very own God Clock. 

The sun is shining when I wake up, I look outside and see the birds on my bird feeder and I can hear them singing. I can't wait until the weather gets a little bit nicer so that I can sit on my front porch and let God's light shine on me and I can praise Him for another beautiful day.

"In the morning, O LORD, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation." Psalm 5:3

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